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New Songs for the New Year

Dave Berman

Happy New Year!

We're already half way through January, and I just got around to sending my New Years greetings to all the folks on the Club Dave mailing list. It's amazing how fast the time goes by. I tried to capture that feeling in the song The Passing of Time on the Club Dave Music CD.

So many of my friends - cyber, corporeal, and imaginary - spent all of last year frustrated and angry. Politics, extreme weather, declining civility, and general hopelessness were the themes of almost every conversation and online discussion. The feeling of gloom even crept into the songs I wrote last year. Thank goodness music still has the magical ability to rise above all that.

We're All In This Together

Looking ahead to 2018, I want to write a song that expresses what we are all feeling and what we want in the new year. I want you to write that song with me. What are your hopes, predictions, fears, or fantasies for 2018? Leave a comment below, and let me know. I'll take all of our ideas and write a song for all of us.

Here's wishing everyone of you the best possible year, whatever comes next.

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